Ancient recipes from Cilento 

The typical dishes of the ancient Cilento cuisine are prepared and served in the Al Frantoio gastronomic laboratory of the Nuovo Cilento Agricultural Cooperative to enhance the flavor of the dishes of the local peasant tradition,

Bring the best of our land to your table and try the ancient Cilento recipes with our extra virgin olive oil.

Sfoglia le ricette

Find out where the gastronomic proposals of the Al Frantoio Restaurant come from. You can also prepare them at home and enjoy them with your family as it once was, as in Cilento.


Scopri le nostre ricette


Ingredients: a wheat bread biscuit per person, oregano, salt, Cilento DOP extra virgin olive oil, tomatoes and a clove of garlic.


Wet the bread and place it on a plate adding chopped tomatoes with your hands. Season with salt, extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento, garlic and oregano.


Ingredients: 1 kg. of anchovies, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, oregano, garlic, parsley and salt.


Deprive the anchovies of the head, spin and wash them. Place them, in layers, in a low cake tin, sprinkle with extra virgin olive oil and distribute the garlic, a pinch of oregano, salt and parsley. Cook over low heat. When they are cooked, sprinkle with vinegar, evaporate for a moment on the heat and serve.


Ingredients: 1/2 kg of anchovies, extra virgin olive oil, parsley, breadcrumbs, lemon juice.


Clean the anchovies and spin them. In a baking tray place the oil and a layer of anchovies. On them put the parsley and breadcrumbs. Make a second layer of anchovies and cover them as before. Pour the juice of a lemon over the whole. Bake for 20 minutes.


Ingredients: 1 liter of fresh tomato sauce, 1 kg of anchovies, 3 whole eggs, goat cheese (how much the eggs receive), olive oil, parsley, salt.


Clean the anchovies and spin them. Cook the tomato sauce for ten minutes over moderate heat. Prepare the filling with egg, parsley and grated cheese and place it between two open anchovies. Put them in the bowl with the sauce and cook for ten minutes.


Ingredients: flour, water, salt, yeast, salted anchovies, oil for frying.


Mix the ingredients in a low bowl and let rise in a warm place, possibly covering with a blanket. When leavening, take a little dough with wet hands, insert a salted anchovy, washed and desalted and fry in plenty of extra virgin olive oil.


Ingredients for 6 people: 500 gr. of flour, 350 gr. of zucchini flowers, a piece of brewer’s yeast, a pinch of salt, extra virgin olive oil for frying.


Knead flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl, dissolved in a little warm water. Collect the flour with your fingers, adding the necessary water little by little until you get a soft, almost fluid paste. Cover and let rise for an hour. When the dough has risen, distribute the chopped zucchini flowers on the surface and, with the help of a spoon immersed in oil, cover the flowers with dough, collect them and fry them a few at a time in hot oil. Pass the golden zeppoline on a sheet of absorbent paper and spray with a pinch of salt. Serve still hot.


Scopri le nostre ricette


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 Kg. of potatoes, 1 Kg. of peppers, 1 Kg. of eggplant, 500 G. of cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil, extra virgin olive oil just enough for frying.


Cut the potatoes, aubergines and peppers into chunks. Put the frying oil in a pan, then the potatoes, aubergines and finally the peppers. In a separate pan, fry the garlic and chopped cherry tomatoes for a few minutes. When cooked, add the potatoes, aubergines, peppers with a few basil leaves, stirring gently. Serve warm or cold.


Ingredients: They grow spontaneously in the soil; they are pink bulbs.


Boil the canine onions for a few minutes in wine vinegar and store them in glass jars covered with extra virgin olive oil.


Ingredients for 4 people: 1 kg. of lettuce, 1 kg. of broad beans, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, chilli, wild fennel, rolled bacon or bacon.


Wash the lettuces and boil them in salted water. Dice the rolled bacon or bacon and fry. Add the broad beans with wild fennel and cook. Drain the lettuce, add the broad beans and finish cooking. Season with a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil and a clove of garlic. Serve hot.


Ingredients: chicory, thistles, chard, wild fennel, garlic, chilli, potatoes, petrane crosche, extra virgin olive oil.


Cut the vegetables into three parts. Sauté the garlic and chilli in a pan. When they are lightly browned, add the vegetables and potatoes cut into chunks and cook them until all the water has withdrawn and the potatoes have not mixed with the vegetables.


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 Kg. of potatoes, onions, oregano, extra virgin olive oil.


Cut the potatoes into large wedges and put them in a baking pan with plenty of oil. Place the onion slices and a pinch of oregano on top. Fill half the pan with water and cook over low heat under lid.


Scopri le nostre ricette


Ingredients: 1 kg of broad beans, chickling peas, various qualities of beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, wheat, corn, barley, oil, salt. Beaten: extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento, a clove of garlic, a sprig of parsley and coarse salt.


Soak the legumes in separate containers and with warm water the night before. Cook them, boiling them in plenty of water, in the following order: corn, wheat, barley, chickpeas, broad beans, peas, beans and lentils. Add salt at the end of cooking. In a mortar pour oil, garlic, parsley and coarse salt. Beat until you get a sauce, pour the chopped into a pot and simmer. Serve hot, pouring everything on wholemeal toast.


Ingredients for 6 people: 800 gr. of homemade Cilento fusilli, 1 kg. of mutton meat, garlic, onion, chilli, extra virgin olive oil, salt, goat cheese, 2 l. tomato puree.


Put the oil in a saucepan and fry the garlic, onion and chilli together with the pieces of meat. When this is well browned, add the tomato puree. At the first boil lower the heat and cook for about 2 hours. Separately, heat the fusilli, drain, place them in a bowl and season with the sauce and plenty of goat cheese.


Ingredients for 8 people: 1 kg. of homemade Cilento fusilli, 500 gr. of pork, 500 gr. of veal, 500 gr. of mutton meat, garlic, onion, chilli, extra virgin olive oil, salt, goat cheese, 2 l. tomato puree.


Put the oil in a saucepan and fry the garlic, onion and chilli together with the pieces of meat. When this is well browned, add the tomato puree. At the first boil, lower the heat and cook for about 2 hours. Separately, heat the fusilli, drain, place them in a bowl and season with the sauce and plenty of goat cheese.


Ingredients for 6 people: 800 gr. of fusilli, 3 aubergines of the long ones, garlic, onion, 1 liter of tomato puree, extra virgin olive oil, salt.


Put the oil, sliced onion and garlic in a deep pan and fry slowly; Add the aubergines cut into strips and unpeeled and continue to fry for a few minutes. Then add the tomato puree and cook for at least 1 hour. Separately, heat the fusilli, drain well, place them in a bowl, season with the sauce and plenty of goat cheese.


Ingredients for 6 people: 300 grams of chickpeas, olive oil, salt, garlic, chilli, 500 grams of lagane.


Soak the chickpeas for 12 hours in warm water. Prepare the lagane, kneading water and flour until the dough becomes compact. Cut it into strips. Cook the chickpeas and add salt. Cook the lagane in plenty of water. Mix them with chickpeas and season with extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento, crushed garlic. Serve hot.


Ingredients: 1 kg of cabbage, pork rind, extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento.


Boil the pork rinds in water for about half an hour, add the cabbage and cook. Serve hot with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento. Depending on taste, in addition to cabbage, you can also use chicory, chard, escarole, potatoes.


Ingredients for 4 people: 300 gr. of pasta (preferably broken vermicelli about 3 cm.), 300 gr. of new broad beans, 2 spring onions, extra virgin olive oil, salt to taste.


Clean the spring onions, wash them and slice finely. Sauté in a deep pan with 5 spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil, add the shelled broad beans, season with salt, stir and cook in a covered container for about ten minutes. Add enough water to cook the pasta directly in the pan with the broad beans. Turn off the heat and let rest for a minute before serving.


Ingredients for 4 people: 300 grams of potatoes, 300 grams of pasta, celery, onion, extra virgin olive oil, two peeled tomatoes.


In a pot put water, an onion, celery cut into small pieces, diced potatoes, two peeled tomatoes and oil. When almost cooked, add the pasta and finish cooking. Serve hot.


Ingredients: 2 whole eggs, parsley, salt, extra virgin olive oil, diced potatoes, shallots, 1 liter of water, 1 clove of garlic, celery, salt, extra virgin olive oil. Preparation time 30 minutes.


Sauté the shallot with the oil. Add the water, boil then add the potatoes. When almost cooked, put a dough of breadcrumbs, goat cheese, two eggs and chopped parsley. Pour the mixture over the toast.


Ingredients for 4 people: 300 gr. of homemade tagliolini , 250 gr. of wild asparagus, extra virgin olive oil, salt.


Take only the tender top of the asparagus, fry them with oil for a few minutes in a deep pan, add water when necessary to cook the pasta directly in the pan with the asparagus and add salt when the pasta is cooked. Turn off and let stand for one minute before serving.

CHICKPEA SOUP (first course)

Ingredients for 6 people: 400 grams of chickpeas, a sprig of parsley, chilli, salt, extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento, a clove of garlic (to taste).


Cook the chickpeas and add salt. Place the toast in a bowl and pour the chickpeas over it. Season with extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento, a splash of parsley, a clove of crushed garlic and chilli. Serve hot.

BEAN SOUP (first course)

Ingredients for 6 people: 400 gr of beans, oil, salt, garlic, chilli, toasted bread.


Soak the beans for 12 hours in plenty of warm water. Drain them, cook them for about 2 hours in water together with the celery and add salt when almost cooked. Then pass them in a pot, where he began to fry the garlic and tomatoes in oil. Put wholemeal toast on a plate and pour the beans over it, adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento.


Scopri le nostre ricette


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 kg of cicerchie, 6 slices of cod of 100 gr each, a clove of garlic, half a glass of extra virgin olive oil, salt to taste.


Soak the cicerchie for at least 18 hours; Then they rinse and boil on the fire. When they are cooked, they are sieved. Fry the garlic separately in half a glass of oil and add the cod. When this is cooked, in a deep dish pour a ladle of cicerchie and place a slice of cod, seasoned with its sauce.


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 kg of pork or veal (muscle), a liter and a half of tomato puree, onion, garlic, parsley, goat cheese in chunks, salted lard fillets, chilli.


Open the muscle in a book and fill it with garlic cut into small pieces, parsley, chunks of lard, chunks of cheese, chilli (to taste). Roll up the meat and stop with string. In a pan, fry the onion and meat, brown for a few minutes. Add the tomato puree and basil. Cook for about two hours.


Ingredients for 4 people: 500 gr. of cavatielli, 1 piece of pork, tomato puree, garlic, onion, chilli, extra virgin olive oil, salt, cheese, goat ricotta.


Put the oil in a saucepan and fry the garlic, onion and chilli with the piece of pork. When the meat is well browned, add the tomato puree. At the first boil lower the heat and cook for about 2 hours. Separately, heat the cavatielli, drain them, place them in a bowl and season with the meat sauce and plenty of cheese and ricotta.


Ingredients for 6 people: 200 gr. of beans, 400 gr. of pasta, extra virgin olive oil, garlic 1 clove, 3 peeled tomatoes, chilli, a stalk of celery.


Soak the beans the night before. Drain and cook for about 2 hours in water together with celery and salt when almost cooked. Then pass them in a pot, where he began to fry, in oil, garlic and tomatoes. Heat the cavatielli and season with the beans, pouring a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil DOP Cilento.


Ingredients: 1 rabbit of 1 kg and a half, grated cheese, rabbit livers fried into small pieces, a pinch of parsley, ground bread, enough eggs to knead the filling, 1 glass of dry white wine, salt, extra virgin olive oil.


Stuff the rabbit with a mixture of grated cheese, fried livers in small pieces, a pinch of parsley, ground bread, eggs sufficient to knead the filling. Sew the rabbit and fry it in olive oil, pouring a glass of white wine into it and adding water during cooking. When this is finished, add the tomato sauce and cook. This is great for pasta dressing.


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 kg of pork or veal (fianchetto), a liter and a half of tomato puree, onion, garlic, parsley, grated goat cheese, salted lard fillets, chilli.


Open the muscle like a book and fill it with chopped garlic, parsley, chunks of lard, grated cheese, chilli to taste. Roll up the meat and sew everything with twine. In a pan, fry the onion and meat and brown for a few minutes. Add the tomato puree and basil. Cook for about two hours.


Ingredients for 6 people: 1 kg of meat called fianchetto, in which to make a hole to insert the filling, grated goat cheese, parsley, celery, carrots, potatoes, onion to flavor the broth, sal